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A free 3-day Mini Course on how to do self care in a way that actually leaves you feeling refreshed, all on a busy schedule.

How to Do Self Care & Actually Enjoy It

Free Courses

Free Courses

How to do Self Care & Actually Enjoy It

A free 3-day Mini Course on how to do self care in a way that actually leaves you feeling refreshed, all on a busy schedule.

8 Days of Sensuality

An 8-day journey to deepen your connection to your body, your senses and your self intimacy.

Karmic Imprint Podcast

An interview on Diana Westly's podcast where we discussed healing the karmic pleasure wound.

Writing & Articles

KIN Medicine Blog

Check out articles from my blog on acupressure, the water element, medicinal mushrooms and more.


My explorations into how to love and live with depth and beauty in her mothering and relationships.

Interview on MysticMag

An interview where I discuss how to move from pain and stress to fufillment and flow in your life.


Spend some time with this library of complimentary courses, meditations, interviews and writing on everything from inner child work to acupressure for pain relief.

Have fun exploring!

Guided Meditations

Inner Child Guided Meditation

A guided meditation for connecting to your inner child whether its the first time or a long time practice.

Breast Massage Meditation

An ancient Daoist practice for releasing pain and emotions from the heart and inviting in joy and flow.

Subscribe to my Newsletter

My love notes are like a fun, intimate, routy and deep sleepover.

I would love to have you join me for the party! 

Self Care Resources

Caster Oil Pack

Using a castor oil pack placed on the skin over the liver is a time honored tradition. Many schools of traditional medicine have used castor oil to help support optimized liver function, to improve detoxification and hormonal balance and to reduce inflammation in the liver.

Dry Brushing

Easy directions to get you started with dry brushing practice to increase circulation and detoxify.

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