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Radiant Mama:
A Mother's Journey
from Never Enough
to Joy & Nourishment


This is for you if every model you have of motherhood
is of a constantly in action mom,
who was under nourished and unsatisfied.

This guided transformative experience from doubt and overwhelm to confident radiant motherhood is for you if:

You are constantly feeling that guilty feeling because you’re so tired and spread thin that you don’t actually enjoy your time with your family.

You wake up in the morning exhausted, drag yourself to the kitchen for coffee and sit with the dread of your kid(s) waking up before you’ve even had a chance to remember your own name.

You start your day in a fog of all the stuff you have to do, checking things off all along the way, just to lay back down at the end of the night unsure if any progress has been made.

You can’t possibly hear one more thing about how tough your partner had it that day so you dodge them at every turn in your home.

You feel so guilty and restless anytime you sit down to do anything that resembles self care that you just rush through it to check it off the list.

You’ve dreamed of building a family and a life and now you can’t help yourself but to dream about life without kids, the home and all these responsibilities to keep up with.

Do you feel so overwhelmed, nervous system on hypersensitive mode that any outburst from your kid is going to send you into your own meltdown?

A 4-month private coaching journey for moms (and pregnant women) who are ready to stop feeling the pressure to "do it all" and find a way to fully enjoy the life they yearned and worked so hard for.

This is exactly why I am offering this guided hands-on and embodied coaching journey from overwhelm, people pleasing exhausted mama or mama to be into the grounded, nourished, confident and empowered mama that you and your family actually needs you to be to thrive.

The way to a healthy, nourished and thriving version of you and your family is not by doing more. It’s not by overriding your own body or needs in order to withstand the chaos. It’s by rooting more deeply into you, so you can have your energy, your essence and your love back in order to nurture and connect for yourself and your loved ones.

Instead of in doubt and overwhelm. You can be fully alive, excited to be with your family, our joy and fulfillment.

This is a reorientation towards your unique feminine essence that is actually the energy we need to thrive in our mothering and in our partnerships.

Through this journey you will be reconnected to your own innate wisdom about how to mother, how to live your own purpose while being deeply devoted to your family in a way that feeds and nourishes one another rather than completely draining you.

You will learn the tools to support you in your motherhood journey throughout your life and tap into the conscious stream of mother wisdom that all women carry deep within themselves.

This experience is reconnecting you to the feminine essence that our culture has lost so that you and your family can thrive.

I was experiencing so much fear and doubt about myself in my relationship and my mothering. But through working with Jessica, I am now deeply grounded in myself, trusting myself, believing in myself and giving me a feeling of balance and integrity.  Jessica has helped me drop into my body with great care and skill, allowing me to feel at ease and trust my inner knowing.


This 4-month transformational coaching journey includes:

A 90-minute opening ceremony to dive deep into the unique life you desire to create

Sessions are intuitively designed by Jessica, delivering the combination of modalities and practices that will most support you in your unique journey.

Three monthly hour-long sessions to alchemize the old patterns into the new way of being

Modalities include:
Therapeutic coaching, energy work, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, pelvic steaming, inner child work, past life regression, sacred womb attunement, pleasure practices and earth-based rituals.

Weekday in-between session Voxer support

This is a connective partnership to create your nourished and vibrant life. There will inevitably be times that you wobble along the path towards this new embodied way of the being. That's why I offer in between session support to check in and offer space to vent, share and get support along the way.

A 90-minute closing ceremony to ground the final transformation and celebrate your unique process

This is a beautiful ceremony of rebirth into the world. Where you receive the recognition and celebration for all the work you put in to become the woman you dreamed of being so that you can fully walk in the world as her.

A Transformative Journey to  Vibrant Life through Embodied Conscious Motherhood

As a mom, you don’t have to continue to grind and overexert yourself into an exhausted, irritated, overworked person who is always at the beck and call of whoever is more urgently needing something from you in that particular moment.

You don’t have to end the evening, tossing in bed wondering if you spoke to harshly to your child, were maybe a little too quick to snap at your partner or wondering if are just screwing up this whole dream of having a safe haven of a home.

Because there are ways to enrich the quality of your life, to have you really enjoying your process of becoming a mother and stepping more deeply into your matriarchal role without totally escaping your life.

Sadly, the village support system no longer exists for mothers these days.

Instead moms try to take it on all by themselves because what other choice do they have?

If they want to have a family, a partnership, work projects and take care of themselves then the external message is to just do it all. But the impact of doing it all means a life spent rushing through our to do lists, nights spent awake and a general feeling of never enough. We resent our hard-earned lives of external success without even getting to enjoy it.

And even though we’ve lost the village elders who would have guided us through these rites of passage of pregnancy, birth, new motherhood and an expanding family life. It doesn’t mean the teachings, the philosophies and the energy of ease and confidence through these evolving roles of womanhood isn’t still available to you.

It is, are you ready to find out how?


This journey is about reclaiming yourself, your time and the joy of your dream life. There's no time to waste.

Jessica Golden

Your Guide

Jessica is an acupuncturist, certified clinical hypnotherapist and an embodiment coach. She specializes in the rites of passage of motherhood, illness, relationship changes and moments of change.


She guides you to use the body as a navigation system so you can create a life that nourishes you, inside and out. 


She is passionate about connecting women to the well of inner strength and wisdom within themselves in order to restore balance to the world through women's leadership.

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