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Join me in a group coaching program or for instant access classes and workshops.

These programs are wonderful spaces to start your healing journey and to connect with like minded people. With a mix of video modules, embodiment practices and live calls to integrate your work and to receive coaching from me.

You can sign up for the wait list for a program and in the meantime check out an on demand class.


A 10-week program for deep exploration into the body.

Next session starts August 2024

This is Jessica’s foundational course on embodiment.


It is for the woman who desires to feel deeply nourished in body, mind and spirit so that she is unshakable, confident, joyful and fully connected to her inherent wisdom and radiance.


This course will peel away the layers of everything that keeps you trapped in disconnection  while giving you tools to tap into the intelligence of your body, womb, intuition, and heart. 

This is a group course with weekly modules that include body care, meditations and mindset practices to help you connect to your body's innate wisdom with live group calls.


There is no greater or more powerful way to feel nourished as a woman than by owning and embodying your pleasure.

It's time to live life well-nourished.

Join the wait list here.


4-week online program to connect to your true self through your inner child. Next session starts July 2024.

When we are children, we are the most pure form of ourselves.

Then we start to get bombarded with messages of who we “should” be to receive love, safety, belonging and a certain picture of success. And that pure form is molded.

Ultimately, healing is a process of remembering who we are.


When your inner child feels love, safety and belonging, the doors open to deeper love within yourself and others.


Join Jessica for this 4-week course to connect to your inner child so you can create the life of your and your inner child’s dreams.

Get ready to live a life connected to your most pure self!

Sign up for the wait list.


Self-guided, instant access classes to go at your own pace.


These classes are available for you for immediate download.

Choose which ones interest you and start your journey there.


  • Spring Gentle Cleanse

  • Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle

  • Intro to Energetic Hygiene

  • Awakening Your Feminine Energy 

  • Eating for the Spleen

  • Tending to the Heart

  • Sensuality in the Kitchen

Happy explorations!

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