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Coaching journeys are powerful, deep, transformative experiences when you are looking for change in your life. I specialize in supporting women through rites of passage moments such as conception, pregnancy, postpartum, motherhood, menopause, heartbreak and illness. These coaching experiences create deep sovereignty and empowerment to create radiant growth.

Sessions can be held in person or virtually.

Modalities can include acupuncture, breath-work, hypnotherapy, womb work, inner child therapy, shadow work, embodiment practices, therapeutic conversation and more to support you in moving through obstacles and creating deep connection and intimacy to yourself and therefore your life.

I am so grateful that I said yes to this life-changing journey!  This experience has truly allowed me to flourish, to become more empowered and intimate with myself and with life.

Kate S.


This is a private coaching journey to heal through the practice of pleasure. Because pleasure is the way in.

When you have created the life you always wanted but it just doesn't feel the way you thought it would, it's time for pleasure. When you want to let go of all the ideas of who you should be and are ready to be more of you, it's time for intimacy. When you are completely drained at the end of the day, have lost touch with yourself and your own needs, it's time to reconnect.

I believe that in order to live in a life we truly love, we need to connect to the wisdom of the body.

When we connect to the body, we stop looking outside ourselves for all the answers and instead turn inward and learn what truly feels good. Creating aliveness and presence. When we live a life of embodying our truest selves, there's no need for time away.

If you are ready to release what's holding you back so you can start feeling good, I've got just the thing for you.


I love the work I get to do with mamas and mamas to be, it's such a special time of our lives. It's also completely disorienting as our whole identity is reconfigured in the portal of motherhood.


Motherhood is everything from the joyful cuddles to the reckoning with the laundry list of to-do's. I've met plenty of moms who are totally overcome with the external pressures and overwhelm of navigating this portal, all while being undernourished and yearning for more. Which is why I want to support these very special people in moving from exhaustion and overwhelm to empowered and joyful with the tools from TCM, embodiment and the energy of the wild feminine. This work benefits ourselves, our family and our community.


This is for you if every model you have of motherhood is of a constantly in action mom and sacrificed herself for everyone else.


We need to rewrite the story of motherhood and it gets to start with you!

Coaching Packages

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