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Clinic Services

Come on into the clinic for hands on healing work to support you in all matters of healing.

Take a look to see where you want to start your journey.


Acupuncture restores balance and harmony by moving energy, clearing stagnation and accessing the body's innate wisdom to heal.

Make an appointment for therapeutic conversation and healing using the philosophies of Chinese medicine. I use acupuncture, cupping, moxa and the wisdom of ancient Chinese medicine to create lasting changes by treating the unique individual with a holistic approach that addresses the root cause of disease.

You can expect an initial 90-minute appointment that includes a full consultation and treatment, concluding with a formulated treatment plan to bring a successful outcome.


Specialties include: Stress management and emotional well-being, chronic pain, sexual and reproductive health, fertility, prenatal and postnatal care, digestive health and gastrointestinal disorders, dermatology, cancer support, sleep disorders and emotional and life transitions support.

Techniques used: Acupuncture, Cupping, Moxabustion, Medical Qigong, Tui Na, Auriculotherapy, Herbal medicine & Chinese nutritional therapy


Hypnotherapy is the practice of becoming deeply relaxed or in a trance-like state (similar to when you are immersed in a movie or a piece of music that brings you fully into the present moment) so that you can focus your conscious and subconscious mind to experience the words, intuition and guidance of your most authentic self. Through guided relaxation, breath work and visualization you will connect to your unique potential, clear obstacles and create lasting touchstones to create your most desired life from an empowered place.

Jessica is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with over 1000 hours of experience.

*Virtual sessions are available.


Treating: stress, insomnia, calling in relationship, pain management, disease management, palliative care, end of life work, mastering skills, clearing habits,


Techniques used: Past Life Regression, Future Life Progression, Spirit Releasement, Inner Child, Inner Healer, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Chakra Balancing, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)


This is my signature offering. It has allowed so many people to move more deeply into their body to release pain and habituated patterns.


Combining these modalities creates a synergy where the acupuncture helps the body to relax and open and the hypnotherapy allows you to access your subconscious mind and deeper wisdom.


If you have a persistent issue that has been challenging to resolve this is an excellent next step in your healing journey.


These sessions include a ritual facial, gua sha, facial massage and cupping with cosmetic and full body acupuncture with natural, organic skin care.

Cosmetic acupuncture works on wrinkles, scars, acne and skin elasticity. It is deeply healing for the skin. I hold these sessions as a ceremony to balance and release the energy that is held in the face and skin.


Facial acupuncture helps to increase circulation, boost collagen, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, decrease puffiness, release jaw muscle tension, contour face, and improve skin tone. It naturally enhances skin radiance and beauty.


There are over 400 herbs in the Chinese pharmacopeia. Herbs work together synergistically to create powerful medicinal formulas. They can be powerful aids in any healing journey.


Herbs can be incorporated into cooking, sipped as teas, taken as tinctures or used topically when applicable. Herbal medicine complements all healing practices. Each acupuncture session includes an herbal consultation. You may also schedule a consultation separately.  

When I first met with Jessica, I had never tried acupuncture or hypnotherapy and was a bit nervous. Jessica eased me into the process by listening, holding space, checking in, and making me feel heard, seen, and truly understood. She's knowledgeable, patient, empathic and calm. I always feel better after a session with Jessica.

Diana W.

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