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Private & Group Ceremonies

Step into a custom designed day-long or half-day ceremony experience to support you in activating a shift in your life. 

These special experiences are ideal to mark an occasion or to help support you in catalyzing a change in your life. The ceremony includes a 60-minute call prior to get clear on intentions followed by a customized to your goal ceremony. Modalities might include acupuncture, guided visualization, tui na & energy work, pelvic steaming, ritual facial & bath, organic lunch & customized herbal tea.

These ceremony days are incredibly special and very immersive experiences. Every ceremony I've had with someone has created something magical for the person. I continue to hear from each of them years later that it was a turning point for them. It's truly potent and powerful time spent together. 

Ceremony Intentions might include:

  • Seasonal Reset

  • Calling in a Baby or Partner

  • Mother Blessing

  • Preparing to Birth

  • Postpartum Mother Warming

  • Releasing Heartbreak or Post Divorce Cord Cutting

  • Alchemizing Loss

  • New Home Blessing

  • Women's Group Ceremony

I saw Jessica for a ceremony experience after three unsuccessful IUI's. Jessica led me through an amazing process that resulted in a successful egg retrieval and fertilization! I continued to see her in my pregnancy and recently had my baby. I am over the moon!

Nicole T.

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